Term 3
Primary 4/5 have been extremely busy this term in the run up
to their ‘Swinging Sixties’ Open Evening.
The children worked so very hard to learn about main events and people
in the decade and displayed their best work for their open evening. We had some
fantastic activities from 1960s Pop Songs, Narrative Poetry, Graphs showing
1960s toys and even a Photo Booth! It
was clear to see that our visitors had a fantastic evening on Wednesday 16th
March and we also received some lovely written feedback. Thank you to all who made it along! The
pupils also delivered some fabulous Solo Talks about people who interested them
from the 1960s.
The class enjoyed
dressing in their sports gear for Sports Relief on Friday 18th
March. Andrew Mitchell, our sports
co-ordinator, along with Mrs Gray organised some fun activities outdoors for
us. Although a little chilly, we had a
great time getting fit and earning money for a worthy charity.
Primary 4/5 also took part in our Modern Languages Cafe this
term, along with Primary 1 /2. Kyle, Gemma, Amber, Heather C and Louie all
performed main roles and spoke fluently in Spanish. Megan, Chelsey, Heather P and Kaci performed
a Spanish version of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ confidently. Our visitors were astounded at the quality
and fluency of Spoken Spanish. Very well
done to all!
We hope you have an enjoyable and safe Spring Break.
Miss Paterson and Primary 4/5
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