Term 3 in 'full swing'.
a busy year it has been already! In Room 10 we have had lots to do.
all learned a poem for Burns Day and some of our talented classmates
then recited it at the Burns Assembly, in front of the WHOLE school.
Devin, Honey, David and Kaci did an absolutely fantastic job- Well
an instructor for Golf has also been a highlight of Term 3 for all of
us in Room 10. We have learned about the different shots, clubs and
language used in the game of Golf...FORE!!
would like to thank Mr Mitchell for helping us with our skills.
week was just that- WOW! We enjoyed several different talks on a
variety of jobs and were able to ask questions to find out more. Some
of us have even managed to find a new career to work towards.
WOW week we were very lucky to have a visit from Hopscotch and our
neighbouring primary school St. James. The p4/5 from St. James and
ourselves took part in an afternoon workshop about skills. This all
tied in nicely with our WOW week in school and helped us to learn
about the wide variety of skills required in different jobs. This was
a great opportunity to work with our peers in another school and a
very interesting and fun way to learn!
learning all of that we have our Class Assembly to look forward to!
We are looking forward to sharing what we have learned about other
World Religions.
Swinging Sixties topic has been 'simply sensational' so far. Again,
we have learned a lot about people in the past and have managed to
compare our lives now to life in the 60's. We have also been learning
about famous influences and are looking forward to joining in with
some songs and dances from that time.
have had yet another busy but exciting term!
we update again
10 and Miss Fulton
At February 20, 2014 at 2:12 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Good luck P4/5 with your assembly tomorrow, I'm sure you will all do brilliantly
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