Room 11 Kirklandneuk

Monday, March 30, 2009


This term Primary 4/5 have taken part in a very successful Joyning the Learning topic. They spent several weeks turning their classroom into the Great Hall at Kirkyspook! The children invented spells, drew maps, designed broomsticks to mention just a few. They also designed suits of armour and each helped create a large piece of furniture. The Open Evening was enjoyed by all those who attended and parents were impressed by the amount and quality of work their children had achieved. The children are looking forward to their next Joyning the Learning topic!

The Stone Wall

The Fireplace

The Treasure Chest

The Door to the Great Hall


The Wizard Clock

Friday, March 27, 2009

Planting Trees

On Friday 6th March the class all took part in gardening with Starling Learning. After touring the playground to see the previous work undertaken, they planted trees near the infant playground. We are hoping the trees will be left to grow to maturity.

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Comic Relief

On Friday 13th March everyone wore red to support Comic Relief. Although there was no charge the school will be sending a donation from our sponsored skipathon which took place week beginning 9th March. Primary 4/5 have also chosen Comic Relief to be the charity their Assembly collection goes to on 3rd April.

Go for Bronze

This term Primary 4/5 have continued to enjoy the Go for Bronze music programme and have been learning more about rhythm and beat, musical notation and the stave through games, rhymes and songs.