Room 11 Kirklandneuk

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Baking our Brilliant Banana Bread!

As Room 11 and 12's Food Topic Morning is fast approaching, we were very busy baking some delicious banana bread this afternoon (made with Fairtrade bananas of course!).

Next week we will be cooking up some extra surprises for our guests to try. We can't wait and look forward to showing you what we have learned! 

Here are some of our busy bakers today:

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Reading and Punctuation

In Language today, we looked at punctuation and the way it influences our expression when reading if there is a question mark or an exclamation mark. 

Using the Easy Speak Microphones, we recorded and listened to ourselves reading to help us reflect on our reading targets. This helped us to improve on our expression and fluency when reading aloud.