Room 11 Kirklandneuk

Thursday, October 9, 2014

End of Term Reward!

Our End of Term 1 Reward was a visit to the Gladigator! All of the children were able to go as we have tried very hard to stay on the star and had no red traffic lights - excellent! We had so much fun racing on the new inflatable and enjoyed some juice and crisps afterwards. Yum! 

Thinking Hats!

Our Learning Journey topic this term is based on the novel 'Bill's New Frock' by Anne Fine. We  have been learning about the differences between boys and girls and the stererotypes we face, as the character Bill experiences one day as a girl and is treated very differently. 

Last week, we were asked the following question, 'Should boys and girls go to separate schools?' to prepare us for a class debate.

This challenge was given to us as homework and we had to decide if we agreed or disagreed. However, in class we used Thinking Hats to make a more informed decision by thinking about the question from different perspectives in a carousel activity. 

In our groups, we visited 5 different tables and brainstormed our ideas using Thinking Hats:

Red Hat: Feelings - how does this make me feel? 

White Hat: Facts and Information - what information do I already have about this? What would I need to know?

Yellow Hat: Good things - Why is it a good idea? Why will this work?

Black Hat: Bad things - what could go wrong? Why is it not a good idea?

Green Hat: Creativity - what other ideas are possible? Can I think of an alternative idea?

The children did a fantastic job and were able to make a more informed decision about whether they agree or disagree. 

Some very interesting points were made during discussion!