Room 11 Kirklandneuk

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Christmas Craft!

The Christmas Fayre was a huge success, raising nearly £3000 - wow!

Room 11 made personalised plaques with their name, or someone else's as a gift. We painted the wooden plaques with bright acrylic paint and added a touch of sparkle with some sticky letters and stars. Finally, some wire was added to turn it into a beautiful door sign! 

Don't they look beautiful?

Friday, November 7, 2014

Re-Brand a Toy Challenge!

Toy Adverts

As part of our Bill's New Frock topic, we learned about gender stereotypes and the ways the media influences boys and girls to want to buy certain toys.

The children were challenged to re-brand a toy that is currently advertised for either a boy or girl only, and make it appeal to all children, by producing a new advert and new packaging.

The advert was to last around 30 seconds and they had to come up with their own catchy slogan.

Have a look at the children in action - they are fantastic!!

This group re-branded Hot Wires (which currently appeals to boys) and called it Hot Electronics.

This group re-branded this Furby (which currently appeals to girls) and called it a Furball.

This group re-branded a Barbie Plane (which currently appeals to girls) and called it Fly So High.

This group re-branded Lego Friends (which currently appeals to girls) and called it Lego Multipack.

This group re-branded an Action Man (which currently appeals to boys) and called it Action Kids.

This group re-branded a Barbie doll (which currently appeals to girls) and called it Brand New Heroes.