Room 11 Kirklandneuk

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Term 4

We all enjoyed our Spring Break. Since coming back we have performed our class assembly, which was in Trinity Church. We were all a little nervous but it went really well and we all enjoyed doing it!

We have had lots of holidays this term, but we are still working hard. We have started our new enterprise topic, we are organising and hosting the school talent show this year! We are all really excited and are working hard in our teams to make sure it is a success. We are hoping to have a very exciting celebrity panel, and can't wait to see all the acts!

As well as starting our enterprise topic we have also started our new science topic, which is really interesting. We are looking at living things and life processes. We have learned lots of new things already but have a lot more still to learn.

PE is also exciting for us this term. All the P5's are going swimming and learning lots of new techniques. The P4's are taking part in Just Dance programme, and we are putting together a mini routine, which is great fun!

We are all enjoying this term!

End of Term 3

We all enjoyed our Medieval Castles Topic and our open evening was a success. Our classroom really transformed. We are all looking forward to our Spring Break, and getting ready for leading the Easter Assembly in the church.

Joyning the Learning Topic

We are all really enjoying our new topic, and our classroom is beginning to really transform! We have been learning lots of interesting things and we are using all our knowledge to help us transform our classroom with lots of different work! We have got a really busy month coming up, we are taking part in lots of different things throughout the school. It is fair-trade fortnight and we be doing work on the different aspects of fair-trade, we have also got our sponsored walk coming up soon, this will help keep us nice and healthy as well as help raise money for charity.
We are really looking forward to our open evening and cant wait for all our parents, family and friends to see our classroom and all the hard work we have been doing! We will make sure we have plenty of games and activities for everyone to see!