Christmas in P4/5

In Primary 4/5 this term we have been extremely busy!!! One of the highlights of this term was being set up with schools in other countries through E-Twinning in a project called "School Differences." We are now friends with children in Spain, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Croatia and Greece. It was so exciting to receive Christmas cards through the post from our "international friends" and to send them Christmas greetings from Kirklandneuk.
As the festive period has arrived we were busy rehearsing for our Christmas concert performance of "Winter Wonderland." We hope you were able to make any the Christmas concerts to see us perform. We had so much fun!

Our favourite part of this term was designing and creating outfits with Room 11 for a "Trashion Show." This was part of our Enterprise topic. We collected lots of recyclable items e.g magazines/newspapers, bottle tops, sweet wrappers and much more to create outfits that London Fashion Week would have been envious of. On Monday 12th December we showcased our catwalk of outfits using ourselves as the models. It was such a fantastic morning and we are very proud of how well we did. Even Mrs Maxwell and Miss Fulton got in on the act and dressed up in outfits made of newspaper. We now know that recycling is so important and to save our planet we have to "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle."
Primary 4/5 cannot wait to return back to our building at Ard Road. We have been busy packing for weeks.
We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you at our "new and improved Kirklandneuk."