Room 11 Kirklandneuk

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Term 4

Term 4 in Room10 After our Easter Holidays we returned to school and Miss McCurdy was in class. Miss Fulton was off to Lockerbie with the P7 children. Miss McCurdy was very impressed by our super behaviour and excellent work! What a good start to the term! So far this Term we have enjoyed working in Science and RME. We have learned about vertebrates and invertebrates and were able to go in to the playground on a Bug Hunt! This was really exciting and helped us identify features of particular insects. In RME we have been learning about Puja. This is the Hindu form of worship. We have learned about their Puja traditions and what is involved in the Hindu religion. We participated in a competition to design a logo for the new Renfrew Sports Hub. This allowed us to be very creative and think about logos and what is included on them. Fingers crossed for another Kirky winner! The Commonwealth is also a focus for this term. We will be building our links with Kenya- as this is out partner school. Hopefully we will be able to inform them of life in Scotland and find out more about life in Kenya! Our class are going to be busy making sandwiches with a healthy filling to have during a class picinic in the playground- this is part of our technology and will help us to help parents with summer lunches too! We can't wait for our End of Term pyjama party as our reward! Sports Day is coming up at the end of June too! We have been doing lots of practise of activities and have been trying hard to build on our levels of stamina. Let's hope it's a lovely day! Have a lovely Summer Holiday! We can't wait for primary 5 and primary 6 Room 10 and Miss Fulton