Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Welcome to Primary 4/5
We have been settling in to our new class nicely and cannot believe how quickly time is passing already. Our new teacher is Miss Paterson and our classroom, Room 11, is upstairs. We are so excited to now be in the 'upper school'.
We started off P4/5 by getting to know our co-operative group members through a Rights based lesson. We created 'Rights Flowers' detailing the Article, what it looks like and our actions. We have agreed our class rules for the year and intend to follow them to stay on the 'Golden Star'. Doing this will help us earn our end of term rewards and Golden Time.
So far we have been reading the story 'Inside Out' based on the film. This has helped us introduce ourselves and talk about our feelings. It has also enabled us to build a safe and open learning environment. We have done various activities relating to the novel such as: creating our own characters; designing an emotion island; exploring our feelings and discussing ways of dealing with different emotions.
We have recently completed our R.M.E. topic learning all about Hinduism; mainly Puja (Hindu Worship). We looked at videos online and even had a real Puja tray in the class. If you'd like to watch the video we enjoyed just follow this link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zh2hyrd
We took part in a community litter pick which was very successful. The local area is looking fabulous now that all the litter was picked up. We know that we have definitely been Effective Contributors by doing this and as a special reward Mrs Gray gave us ten minutes extra Golden Time!
This week we will be visiting Newmains Primary School to attend a French Cafe to celebrate the European Day of Languages and we will also take part in Kirky's very first Eurovision Song Contest!
Keep your eyes peeled for more updates!
Primary 4/5 and Miss Paterson
Have a look below to see Primary 4/5 enjoying some well deserved Golden Time.

We started off P4/5 by getting to know our co-operative group members through a Rights based lesson. We created 'Rights Flowers' detailing the Article, what it looks like and our actions. We have agreed our class rules for the year and intend to follow them to stay on the 'Golden Star'. Doing this will help us earn our end of term rewards and Golden Time.
So far we have been reading the story 'Inside Out' based on the film. This has helped us introduce ourselves and talk about our feelings. It has also enabled us to build a safe and open learning environment. We have done various activities relating to the novel such as: creating our own characters; designing an emotion island; exploring our feelings and discussing ways of dealing with different emotions.
We have recently completed our R.M.E. topic learning all about Hinduism; mainly Puja (Hindu Worship). We looked at videos online and even had a real Puja tray in the class. If you'd like to watch the video we enjoyed just follow this link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zh2hyrd
We took part in a community litter pick which was very successful. The local area is looking fabulous now that all the litter was picked up. We know that we have definitely been Effective Contributors by doing this and as a special reward Mrs Gray gave us ten minutes extra Golden Time!
This week we will be visiting Newmains Primary School to attend a French Cafe to celebrate the European Day of Languages and we will also take part in Kirky's very first Eurovision Song Contest!
Keep your eyes peeled for more updates!
Primary 4/5 and Miss Paterson
Have a look below to see Primary 4/5 enjoying some well deserved Golden Time.